My name is Tirawut Worrakitpoonpon. I am a lecturer at Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. My research interest covers the topics of the theories of galaxy formation and evolution. The nature of my work is to use the numerical simulations of the dynamical systems to test the astrophysical theories or to match with observation. Nowadays, the astrophysical simulation is much facilitated by many user-friendly public codes, e.g. GADGET-2, which allow us to further explore the universe in the computer and to test the theories in a proper way.
In addition, my interest is also extended to a toy model of the Newtonian gravity in one dimension, i.e. the sheet model. This model has an important advantage that we can trace the trajectories of particles in an exact way, without need of the softening of the force at zero distance. It is the subject that is widely studied in the statistical mechanics context.
2001-2005 : B.Sc. in Physics [Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand]
2006-2007 : Master in Astronomy & Astrophysics [Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), France]
2007-2011 : Doctorat in Astronomy & Astrophysics [Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), France]
Contact details
E-mail : tirawut.w@g.sut.ac.th, worraki@gmail.com