Michael A. Allen*, Kenneth Edwards
open access article published in The Fibonacci Quarterly 60(5), 5–17 (2022)
We refer to the generalized Fibonacci sequence (M(c)n)n≥0, where M(c)n+1=cM(c)n+M(c)n−1 for n>0 with M(c)0=0, M(c)1=1, for c=1,2,… as the c-metallonacci numbers. We consider the tiling of an n-board (an n×1 rectangular board) with c colours of 1/p×1 tiles (with the shorter sides always aligned horizontally) and (1/p,1−1/p)-fence tiles for p∈ℤ+. A (w,g)-fence tile is composed of two w×1 sub-tiles separated by a g×1 gap. The number of such tilings equals (M(c)n+1)p and we use this result for the cases p=2,3 to devise straightforward combinatorial proofs of identities relating the metallonacci numbers squared or cubed to other combinations of metallonacci numbers. Special cases include relations between the Pell numbers cubed and the even Fibonacci numbers. Most of the identities derived here appear to be new.
It is well known that the ratio Fn+1/Fn of two successive Fibonacci numbers (where Fn=Fn−1+Fn−2+δn,1, Fn<1=0, and δi,j is 1 if i=j and zero otherwise) tends to the golden ratio, (1+√5)/2, as n→∞. The golden ratio is the c=1 case of the continued fraction
Enumerating tilings of finite boards can give a physical picture of various integer sequences. The number of ways to tile an n-board (which is a 1×n array of unit square cells) using unit squares and dominoes (two unit squares joined at one edge) is Fn+1. If there are c possible colours of square then the number of ways to tile an n-board is M(c)n+1. The number of ways to tile p n-boards using such tiles is therefore (M(c)n+1)p and this is the simplest combinatorial interpretation of the metallonacci numbers raised to a positive integer power. Combinatorial interpretations such as these can be the basis for quick intuitive proofs of identities instead of using algebra.
Is there a combinatorial interpretation of (M(c)n+1)p by considering the tiling of a single n-board when p=2,3,…? The answer is yes if we tile with 1/p×1 tiles (denoted by r) with the shorter side always aligned horizontally and so-called (1/p,1−1/p)-fence tiles (denoted by f). The latter are tiles composed of two 1/p×1 sub-tiles separated by a gap of 1−1/p.
A tiling which includes fractional length tiles such as rectangular or fence tiles can be reduced to a tiling using metatiles. A metatile is a grouping of tiles that exactly covers an integer number of cells and cannot be split into smaller metatiles. Evaluating the number of metatiles of a given length is the key to obtaining convolution-type identities via this class of combinatorial interpretation. Although there are infinite number of possible metatiles when p>1, the evaluation is straightforward in the p=2 case. However, in the p=3 case we have only been able to obtain an expression for the number of metatiles of a given length by first obtaining recursion relations for the number of metatiles of a given length with a particular ending σ and then combining the results.
Key results
• A name for a particular class of generalized Fibonacci numbers.
• Two new combinatorial interpretations of (M(c)n)p for p=2,3,….
• 6 new identities involving (M(c)n)2.
• 7 new identities involving (M(c)n)3 including one which in the c=2 case is
Related resources
[1] Allen MA (2022) Fence tiling derived identities involving the metallonacci numbers squared or cubed talk www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYS7IdTN1VY.
[2] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metallic_mean.
[3] Sloane NJA (2022) The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, oeis.org.
[4] Benjamin AT, Quinn JJ (2003) Proofs That Really Count: The Art of Combinatorial Proof, Mathematical Association of America.
[5] Edwards K (2008/2009) A Pascal-like triangle related to the tribonacci numbers. Fibonacci Quart 46/47(1), 18–25.
[6] Edwards K, Allen MA (2019) A new combinatorial interpretation of the Fibonacci numbers squared. Fibonacci Quart 57(5), 48–53.
[7] Edwards K, Allen MA (2020) A new combinatorial interpretation of the Fibonacci numbers squared. Part II. Fibonacci Quart 58(2), 169–177.
[8] Edwards K, Allen MA (2020) A new combinatorial interpretation of the Fibonacci numbers cubed. Fibonacci Quart 58(5), 128–134.
[9] Edwards K, Allen MA (2021) New combinatorial interpretations of the Fibonacci numbers squared, golden rectangle numbers, and Jacobsthal numbers using two types of tile. J Integer Sequences 24, 21.3.8.
[10] Sprugnoli R (1994) Riordan arrays and combinatorial sums. Discrete Math 132, 267–290.
[11] Allen MA (2019) Riordan Arrays seminar www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMhSxcwlHvM.
[12] Allen MA, Edwards K (2022) On a two-parameter family of generalizations of Pascal's triangle. J Integer Sequences 25, 22.7.1.