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Local Collaboration



Prof. Dr. Yongwimon   Lenbury

The Committee Chairman of Ph.D Programme in Mathematics

Ph.D. : (Mathematics), Vanderbilt  University, U.S.A.

Tel. : 0-2201-5548

Fax. : 0-2201-5343

Email : scylb@mahidol.ac.th

Web : http://www.sc.mahidol.ac.th/scma/



Assistant Professor Chartchai  Krittanai, Ph.D.

Protein Engineering and Proteomics Laboratory

Internal phone # : 1473, 1410, 1448

E-mail : stckt@mahidol.ac.th

Web : http://www.mb.mahidol.ac.th/mben/



Associate Professor Galayanee Doungchawee

Pathobiology of Mahidol University Thailand

E-mail : scgdu@mahidol.ac.th 

Web : http://www.sc.mahidol.ac.th/scpa/web NewsPath/CVGD-07- 2007.pdf



Associate Professor Lakana Himakoun

Pathobiology of Mahidol University Thailand

E-mail : sclhk@mahidol.ac.th


Dr. Porntipa Picha

National Cancer Institute of Thailand

E-mail : picha@health.moph.go.th


Waipot Ngamsaad ( Physics )

Ph.D. (Physics), Mahidol University

Office : University of Phayao

Email : waipotn@yahoo.com

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Jiraporn Yojina ( Mathematic s)

Ph.D. (Mathematics), Mahidol University

Office : King Mongkut's institute of technology Thonburi

Email : jyojina@yahoo.com

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Patcharin Panjaburee ( Science Education of Mathematics )

Ph.D. : Science and Technology Education, Mahidol University

Field of Research : Computer Education, Mathematics Education

Office : Room IL2/2 Institute for Innovative Learning

Phone : 02-441-9020

Email : panjaburee_p@hotmail.com and ilpatcharin@mahidol.ac.th

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Ankana Boondirek ( Mathematics )

Ph.D. (Mathematics), Mahidol University

Office : MA-205, Burapha University

Tel. : 0-3810-3038

Email : akana_boo@yahoo.com

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Busayamas Pimpunchat ( Mathematics )

Ph.D. (Mathematics), Mahidol University

Office : King Mongkut's institute of technology Ladkrabang

Email : knbusaya@yahoo.com

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Gobal Collaboration



Professor Graeme Wake FRSNZ

Director, Centre for Mathematics in Industry
Institute of Information and Mathematical Sciences
Massey University at Albany, P.B 102904
North Shore MC, Auckland, New Zealand.
Room 3.04 IIMS Building.
Tel: +64 (0) 9 414-0800 ext 41053
Mobile: +64 (0) 27 441-8247
Fax: +64 (0) 9 441-8136.
E-mail: g.c.wake@massey.ac.nz
Web: http://www.mathsinindustry.co.nz


Dr. Alexander J. Wagner

Associate Professor
Department of Physics
North Dakotastate University
Fargo, ND 58108-6050, U.S.A.
Tel: 701.231.9582
Fax: 701.231.7088
E-mail: Alexander.Wagner@ndsu.edu
Web: http://physics.ndsu.edu/people/faculty/wagner



Peter Tieleman

Department of Biological Sciences, BIOL 415
University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, AB T2N 1N4, Canada
Tel: (403) 220-2966
Fax: (403) 289-9311
Email: tieleman@ucalgary.ca


David P. Landau

Distinguished Research Professor of Physics
Director, Center for Simulational Physics
The University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602-2451 U.S.A.
Tel: (706) 542-2908
Fax: (706) 542-2492
E-mail: dlandau@hal.physast.uga.edu
Web: www.csp.uga.edu


Derek Cummings

Assistant Professor
Academic Degrees: Ph.D., M.H.S.
Johns Hopkins university, U.S.A.
Department of Epidemiology
615 N. Wolfe Street, Room E6138
Baltimore MD 21205-2179

Tel: 410-502-9319
Fax: 410-614-2632

E-mail: dcumming@jhsph.edu



Department of Physics, F354 office
Arizona State University office
P.O. Box 871504
Tempe, AZ 85287-1504
Tel: (480) 727-6799
Fax: (480) 965-7954
E-mail: timothy.newman@asu.edu
Web: http://biodyn.physics.asu.edu/newman_cv.pdf



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Last Updated : October 29, 2010