Oral thesis defence examination
ขอแสดงความยินดีกับ นายณัฐวัฒน์ พันธุ์ชาติ นักศึกษาจากกลุ่มวิจัยทัศนศาสตร์ประยุกต์และกลุ่มวิจัยฟิสิกส์ศึกษา ภาควิชาฟิสิกส์ คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล ผ่านการสอบ “Oral thesis defence examination” เพื่อสำเร็จการศึกษาในหลักสูตร ปรัชญาดุษฎีบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาฟิสิกส์ (หลักสูตรนานาชาติ) โดยได้ทำจิจัยและได้นำเสนอผลงานในชื่อ “THE FABRICATION AND APPLICATIONS OF HOLLOW CORE ANTI-RESONANT FIBERS FOR TERAHERTZ GUIDANCE”
Nowadays, many researchers attempt to improve the transmission quality of the optical fibers in the Terahertz regime. By guiding electromagnetic waves in an air core of a hollow core fiber, the scattering loss and nonlinear effect, which could degrade the transmission, can be significantly minimized. There are several ways of guiding electromagnetic waves in a hollow-core fiber such as photonic bandgap and anti-resonance reflecting mechanisms. The anti-resonance reflecting guidance mechanism is of great interest because the structure of this fiber is less complicated to fabricate than the photonic bandgap fibers. In this study, the hollow core anti-resonant fibers were designed and numerically investigated for low loss transmission in the THz regime. Some of the fiber models were used to develop the nozzles that are used for the fiber fabrication process. The fabricated fibers were investigated and characterized by the THz time-domain spectroscopy to confirm the numerical results. Moreover, some of the hollow core anti-resonant fiber models were also developed for a special purpose of maintaining polarization property of the transmitted THz wave. A polarization-maintaining fiber is a key feature for some optical fiber applications such as interferometric devices and quantum computing. In addition, the optical properties: effective material loss, confinement loss, and birefringence operating at 1 THz were numerically studied and discussed.
- N. Phanchat and R. Chitaree, “The design of polarization-maintaining and polarization-filtering hollow core with nested anti-resonance nodeless fiber for THz guidance,” Eng. Res. Express, vol. 4, no. 3, p. 35018, 2022.
- N. Phanchat et al., “Extruded TOPAS hollow-core anti-resonant fiber optimized for THz guidance at 0.9THz,” Opt. Express, vol. 30, no. 8, pp. 13059–13069, 2022.
- N. Phanchat and R. Chitaree, “The design of high birefringence hollow core with nested anti-resonance nodeless fiber,” in Fourth International Conference on Photonics Solutions (ICPS2019), 2020, vol. 11331, pp. 194–200.